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Mapping Social Capital for New Joiners
Social Capital, or the strength of the groups and networks that an employee is part of impacts their sense of belongingness and...

Mapping Changing Talent Needs and Employee Expectations
Almost two years into the pandemic, is the ‘great reshuffle’ real? Have employee expectations shifted even in India? What are the new...

Mega-trends Impacting Workplace 2.0
The pandemic has accelerated several organizational and talent trends that had begun a few years back. Yet many studies point out that...

The Leadership Molecule
Perhaps instead of a solo entrepreneur, what we really need is a leadership molecule.

The Great Decentralization
One of the biggest impacts of Covid has been, how it has accelerated decentralization

The Covid-19 Brain
If your thinking is fuzzy and frazzled--it might be the Covid-19 Brain.

Education Post Covid
Education will become decentralised with education anywhere and centralised with large brands gaining momentum

The Big Reset
We don't just need new physical spaces as we get back to offices. We need new ideas for organisations too.

Digital Transformation
There are four reasons why Covid will accelerate Digital Transformation.
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